Priyanka Chopra has recently shared some family photos of herself, husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie from their vacation in Cabo San Lucas (Mexico). Pictures were shared on 6 January via the actress' official Instagram account.
Priyanka Chopra is overflowing with love for her husband on Nick Jonas’ birthday. Jonas turned 31 on Saturday, and his wife, 41, marked the occasion with a sweet tribute on Instagram.
Nick Jonas won't be the next artist hit by an object onstage. In a video shared on social media by a concert attendee at the Jonas Brothers show in Sacramento, California on Monday, Nick, 30, asked fans to stop throwing items onstage.
Nick Jonas may be currently quarantining in his home in Los Angeles during the on-going pandemic, but he keeps himself busy to stay in shape. Last weekend, he took to Instagram and shared his workout routine with fans.